How Muscles Recover During Sleep


How Muscles Recover During Sleep

When you think about optimizing fitness and building muscle, you probably focus on reps, intensity, and time at the gym. But did you know time spent doing nothing at all is crucial to muscle development and recovery? What you can do to help maximize recovery.


Osteoarthritis and the Secret Life of Your Joints

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Osteoarthritis and the Secret Life of Your Joints

One in four adults in the US are expected to get Osteoarthritis (OA) in their lifetime [1].  For athletes the percentages soar, especially for knee and hip joints. Professional athletes can expect their risk for OA in some joints, typically the lower limb joints to increase by roughly double, sometimes more depending on the sport [2].

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5 Reasons To Take Back Your Sleep!

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5 Reasons To Take Back Your Sleep!

Sleep deprivation is a form of torture in some small countries.  So, why do we purposely do it to ourselves?  I can run a company, take care of my family, volunteer at school, am a deacon at my church, leap tall buildings in a single bound...all on 4 hours of sleep.  Go me!

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4 Reasons to Butter Up Your Coffee


4 Reasons to Butter Up Your Coffee

If I know you, and we are totally getting to know each other, then I am willing to bet most of you would think we were crazy to actually suggest putting butter (fat) into your diet, let alone in your coffee.  But think about it...


Should You Workout On An Empty Stomach?


Should You Workout On An Empty Stomach?

To eat or not to eat right before, during or after your workout is the age-old quandary.  How about an ambiguous and global answer:  It depends.  The most important question to ask yourself is, what is your main goal?  Sure, it’s probably to lose weight.  Or be healthier.  Not sick as often.  Have more stamina on and off the course.  Bulk up.  Thin down.  But you have to pick one.  What is your honest to goodness primary goal?


The Ketogenic Diet Boosts Fat Loss & Fights Disease


The Ketogenic Diet Boosts Fat Loss & Fights Disease

The International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health  states “One of the most studied strategies in the recent years for weight loss is the ketogenic diet. Many studies have shown that this kind of nutritional approach has a solid physiological and biochemical basis and is able to induce effective weight loss along with improvement in several cardiovascular risk parameters.” If you are new to the ketogenic diet and are wondering how it works then continue reading!


Plan Ahead to Make the Most of Your Workout


Plan Ahead to Make the Most of Your Workout

We’ve talked a lot about workout tips during the workout.  Planning and spending an adequate time preparing for your workout is also important to your overall success.  This plan will prepare you mentally for the workout, should outline an intense routine, and will identify a recovery process.


The Platform's Pro Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving


The Platform's Pro Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is about being thankful for friends, family, and good health. But you can’t forget about the food – so much food.

Don’t panic though if you’re worried about sticking to your health and fitness goals on Thursday. We’re going to help make sure you enjoy the holiday while staying on track.


3 Hacks for Waking Up Alert in the Morning

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3 Hacks for Waking Up Alert in the Morning

The days are getting shorter, and now most of us in the U.S. have just set our alarms backward an hour.  Not only is the amount of light throughout the day getting shorter, but depending on your schedule, you may find yourself having to wake up while it’s still dark out too.  If you’re like me, this makes the whole waking-up-with-energy concept much more difficult.  

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